It's usually when I'm alone that I will let myself sing lol... My kids and extended family are always there to let me know I really shouldn't sing out loud!! No they're not mean or hurtful, it's actually a bit of a running joke, but I will absolutely be the first to tell you that in fact, and for a fact and even truth be known (can't be anymore clearer than that) I DO NOT SOUND GOOD WHEN I SING... To be honest lol... I don't even like the sound of my own voice when I sing...
Sometimes, just sometimes I forget all of that and sing as loud and as free as I possibly can! Have you ever sat in the car and burst into song? Gosh I'm a divil for it ha ha... I used to drive alone, for an hour, to and from work every day and by golly did I sing out loud when I felt like it :o) There's no words to describe how a song can lift you, make you feel alive, even in the depths of a bad mood. It's usually when you least expect it, a simple verse... The build to the chorus... and then I'M OFF!!! (you'll note it's only really the chorus I sing along to, I never remember the words properly)
Sometimes, just sometimes I forget all of that and sing as loud and as free as I possibly can! Have you ever sat in the car and burst into song? Gosh I'm a divil for it ha ha... I used to drive alone, for an hour, to and from work every day and by golly did I sing out loud when I felt like it :o) There's no words to describe how a song can lift you, make you feel alive, even in the depths of a bad mood. It's usually when you least expect it, a simple verse... The build to the chorus... and then I'M OFF!!! (you'll note it's only really the chorus I sing along to, I never remember the words properly)
It can stir emotions deep inside that I don't expect..
There can be tears, laughter, pure joy!!!
I've been known to truly express myself & thump the steering wheel to the beat, mouth open wide belting out the tunes... swaying and bouncing to the chorus!!!
There can be tears, laughter, pure joy!!!
I've been known to truly express myself & thump the steering wheel to the beat, mouth open wide belting out the tunes... swaying and bouncing to the chorus!!!
And then one day....
There... In traffic... In the lane beside me... Watching me in my full glory... Was a work colleague!! OMG... no way...
To say I went purple would be the biggest understatement of the year! Of course I knew people could probably see me, so I would usually compose myself when the traffic was stopped... But this one particular day, I was in my own little world. Inspired, joyous, basking in my expressiveness, happy as Larry (who's Larry by the way?)... Until I looked to the side and there my colleague & friend was absolutely beaming at me! lol...
Immediately it felt different... I didn't think she wasn't laughing at me... No, she was laughing with me :) She had seen a moment of simple (though to see the state of me, it wasn't actually simple) happiness... How many of us get to see that honestly? There's always a little something held back when there are others around. But I decided in that moment, not to stop, not to hold back!! I waved at her across the car lane and we were both in fits of giggles lol... can you see it? Can you picture us in the middle of traffic, wrapped up in our car bubbles (it was raining out) just two people, separated, but both in a shared moment of pure happiness, and by golly, we were in knots!
I kind of decided then and there... that no matter what... If I was in a good place, in a joyous moment and something that would or could be embarrassing were to happen, I wouldn't hold back, I would just laugh it off 'cause down the road, the memory of that moment could come back often, when I least expect it, and make me come alive again, would make me want to sing again...
Oh and by the way, don't worry I'm not actually going to share my singing with you though ha ha ha
Luv & bubbles ♥♥♥