
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Cheer yourself on...

So it's no secret I've had a tough year after going through a separation... This blog is not about my life in that sense, and not a place for me to vent, so don't worry that's not where I'm going with this... But I started the blog to share what inspires me, warts and all, and I want to write about the difficult times too.

It dawned on me today after speaking with an old friend that I've come a long way.  I've learned so much about myself, my family and my life.  I've held fast to the belief that through hard times, through mistakes you can learn your biggest lessons!!!  But too often we are our own worst critics.  Is it an Irish thing? Maybe... who knows?  But in almost a pre-emptive strike we will barrage ourselves internally with criticism.  I don't think anyone need "judge" or "bitch" about some of us realistically lol, we're probably gonna do it 10 times worse in our own head!!  Ok, so I know I'm not speaking for everyone, mainly for myself, but I've met so many people of late who are similar that I wonder how many of us do this to ourselves and in fact now I don't actually feel quite so alone in my self criticism.  But what's different now is that instead of cutting myself up, I want to try stop this pattern for myself, I'm gonna remind myself that I have a pool of personal experiences to inspire me and a wealth of lessons learned to know there's more to take on board!

Thru the last year I've faced a variety of challenges... None more difficult than lately, trying to figure out who am I now I'm out there on my own.   I'm not finished with what life's got to teach me either... I've a long way to go!! More challenges to face, more lessons to learn and probably more mistakes to make.  Truth be told, I've been quite independent all along on a practical level, but what I'm talking about is the hard stuff... the emotional "stuff" 

I could write a list the length of my arm, but it would only be the tip of the iceberg of what we all go thru in this crazy journey of "life" and it wouldn't necessarily ring clear with many....  Why?... Well my own challenges are simply that... 

My Own  

What I struggle with is not necessarily what the next person struggles with.  Even with how one person deals with something can be almost alien to how someone else does!
We all have "baggage", we all have "tough times"  But you know what? For me, as tough as they are, as heart wrenching some of my worst moments have been to me, managing to pull myself up or learning how to deal with whatever was in my path should inspire me to keep going strong, and support me over the next hurdle...  

It's time I cheered myself on... Will you cheer yourself on??

Luv & bubbles ♥♥♥


Unknown said...

Very well written Claire. In time you will find that everything happens for a reason and things you feel you regret now will no longer be regrets but "had to have happened to get me where I am now"s. Then you will know you have reached the I'm happy with all I have achieved stage. Lots of hugs. Kate

Clare Slevin said...

Thanks so much Kate, that's really lovely... It's amazing what comes to light after dark times <3 Luv & Bubbles Clare xxx

Flirty & Feisty Romance said...

Hi Clare, tears may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. Life's a journey of discovery. We're all on a journey.

Better days are ahead of you.

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